SEO Pricing

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Submit the form below to request a custom SEO proposal tailored to your unique needs, considering both the market you’re in and the competitive landscape.

We’ll first reach out via email or phone, aiming to genuinely assess whether there’s a good fit. This step is about mutual discovery. This isn’t about high-pressure sales tactics or any nonsense like that. If we believe we significantly can help your business and you like what we present, awesome. If it’s not, that is totally fine too.

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We Don’t Work With Everyone

And that’s not a marketing trick in order to sign on more clients. We commit to businesses we truly believe can achieve remarkable growth, and so there are a few things you should know:


SEO Takes Time:

With Google’s evolving algorithms, SEO becomes more complex. Typically, visible progress takes at least 6 months. Excellence requires patience.


Seeking Substantial Growth:

Our dedication is to the success of our partners. We engage with businesses aiming for substantial achievements.


The most expensive thing you can buy is cheap SEO:

Sadly, we witness many companies invest in low-cost SEO services, only to end up with zero results and a site flooded with low-quality backlinks, risking Google penalties.

Common questions


Q: Isn't SEO just a one-time effort?

A: SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. Search engines constantly update their algorithms, and competitors adjust their strategies, so continuous optimization is necessary to maintain and improve rankings.

Our high-end SEO service involves a massive commitment of time, resources, and genuine passion for every client we onboard. As such, we only work with clients with a minimum budget of USD 5000 per month.

Q: How quickly can we expect to see results from our SEO investment?

A: SEO is a strategic investment requiring time to yield significant results. Typically, you might start seeing improvements within a few months, but more substantial and sustainable outcomes often emerge after six to twelve months. This timeline allows for the development and implementation of a robust SEO strategy that aligns with your company’s goals.

Q: Our business is already successful. Why should we invest in SEO?

A: SEO can enhance your existing success by expanding your online visibility and attracting higher quality traffic to your website. It complements your current achievements by ensuring that new customers can find you through organic search, keeping you ahead in a constantly evolving digital landscape.

Why website security matters?

Unsecure websites are a red flag for both users and Google. Google blacklists 10K pages daily due to malware. An unsecured site is far more likely to suffer penalties from Google, resulting in dropped rankings and lost revenue.

You don´t think you´re a target? Attacks are mostly performed by bots, and they are deadly effective in reaching out to every corner of the world. An analyse found that it takes about only 30 – 45 days for a new website, with no content or audience, to be identified and added to a bot crawler. It’s not a question of if, but when an unprotected website will be compromised. Don´t be a sitting target, be proactive.

Q: Can SEO strategies be customized for our specific industry and company size?

A: Yes, effective SEO strategies are highly customizable. They can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your industry, target audience, and business objectives, ensuring that you’re not just visible online but visible to the right people. This customization allows SEO to scale with your business as it grows and evolves.

Q: Is the cost of SEO justifiable for our business?

A: Investing in SEO should be considered an investment in your company’s growth and digital presence. While it requires upfront costs, the long-term benefits—such as increased visibility, higher quality leads, and improved conversion rates—often result in a strong ROI, especially when compared to traditional marketing expenditures.

Q: How does SEO help us stay competitive in our market?
A: SEO is key to maintaining and improving competitiveness. It helps you stay visible in search engine results, understand customer search behavior, and adapt to changes in the market. An effective SEO strategy ensures that your business remains relevant and accessible to potential clients, even as competition intensifies.
Q: Why can't we buy a set price for backlinks?

A: The practice of assigning a set price per backlink is considered outdated in today’s digital PR and link building landscape. This approach changed dramatically with Google’s Penguin algorithm update, which targeted the manipulation of site authority through purchased links, private blog networks (PBNs), and link exchanges. This shift emphasized the importance of organically earned backlinks as indicators of genuine content value and relevance.

In the current environment, the value of backlinks is measured by the quality of the content, the strategic relationships fostered, and the relevance to your audience—factors that are at the heart of Google’s criteria for organic growth. These aspects of link building require consistent effort, strategic planning, and a focus on long-term results rather than immediate quantity, making per-link pricing models irrelevant.

Our approach is to focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that naturally attracts backlinks from reputable sources. This method aligns with Google’s guidelines and ensures that the backlinks your site acquires contribute to a strong, sustainable online presence. We believe in investing in strategic alliances and quality content to build your site’s authority in a way that supports organic growth and meets Google’s standards.

Request a Free Audit

Request a FREE health report to check if hidden issues related to speed, security, or Google exist on your website. The report is 100% free.